Saturday, February 21, 2009

Day 6

Today we did the KenpoX. It is pretty much the same as Tae Bo but longer I think, this is 1 hour long. It's very cardio oriented. Adam & I are still sore from yesterday's leg workout that it took us a bit to get going.

Since we missed a day we don't get our splurge meal but we do get 1 splurge snack. Nothing major, just a small snack.

Tomorrow is a rest day but we are planning to do one of the stretch videos. Monday we start hard. This week we have watched and not pushed as hard as we could since we didn't know what to expect but now we do so next week there is no excuses on not pushing it hard.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Day 5

So we've made it to Day 5. Today was legs & back. Can I just say I hate the person who came up with this program?? I hurt so bad. I know it's a good hurt - more sore than anything. I'm very careful to stop if I feel any weird pain, especially in my knees.

So the work-out was as follows: ( again we do all this in an hour, not including the ab ripper )

Balance lunges
Calf-raise squats
Reverse grip chin ups
Super skaters
Wall squats*
Wide front pull ups
Step back lunges
Alternating side lunges
Close grip over hand pull ups
Single leg wall squats*
Dead lift squats
Switch grip pull ups - 2 of one and then switch, keep doing that
3 way lunges - side/90/front
sneaky lunges - done on tip toe

*You start at 90 degrees and keep moving lower and then back up.

After all that fun we did the Ab ripper again. We pushed ourselves even harder today. We still can't do all 339 reps but we did more today than Wednesday.

The diet is getting better. i added 1 extra serving of carbs per day to my diet. One thing Adam & I have noticed is that we have more energy now. I don't feel like I need a nap in the afternoons anymore. Physically and mentally we are more energized.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day 3

So Day 3 cam e & went. On Day 2 we ended up not working out. I felt so horrible that I was wishing I could just curl up and sleep forever. Trying to quit pop and start a new diet and work out program was not the brightest idea I've had. We stuck to the diet that day but my head was hurting so bad that I couldn't move without wanting to cry. I ended up having a pepsi but it didn't do anything , not even take the edge off. I am so used to drinking a pepsi as soon as I get up in the morning and drinking as many as I want through-out the day that my body is not reacting well to no pop. Not to mention we both were so sore from Day 1!

So Day 3 rolls around and I still feel like crap but I know that if I don't do it now I never will so after getting Jaydyn off to school we set up and start the DVD. To my "joy" it's another arms one! This time we did shoulders & arms. Each work-out is designed to target specific areas.

This work out included:

Alternating shoulder presses
In & Out bicep curls
2 arm tricep kickbacks
*Do all 3 again
Deep swimmers Press
Concentration Curls
Chair Dips
*Repeat again
Upright Rows
Static arm curls
Flip grip twist kickbacks
Seated shoulder flys
Crouching cohen curls
Lyingdown tricep extentsions

After that was done, an hour's worth, we did the Ad ripper X. This is pure H**L!! It's 16 minutes long, you do 11 exercises but you do a total of 339 reps. Yes 339!! Granted we couldn't do all of them since we are new to this but we did as many as we could. My stomach is so sore today!

The diet is the hardest part for me. Other than dinner I feel like I haven't eaten in days. I get the shakes alot, I get really onery and I feel bad when I take it out on Adam or the kids/dog. I think I may adjust the diet just a bit to work for me. We'll see how it goes.

Today we do the Yoga part, it's an hour and a half long. We'll see how it goes.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Day 1

We started the work out today. We didn't wake up as early as we had planned since the kids were out of school. Once up we made our nice new breakfast (I am not a breakfast fan!), and took our vitamins. After about 30 minutes we started the DVD and it sucks lol

Here is a list, in order, of what we did today. Now for us since we are just starting we couldn't do as many reps or as much weight as they did but that's what is so nice about this program is they don't say you have to do this or use this it's "Do your best and forget the rest".

So today was Chest & Back and this evening we will do the Ab Ripper. You start by spending a couple minutes warming up. Their warm-up part makes you sweat and gets your heart rate up to start. Then you do the work-out.

Wide Pull-ups
Military Push-ups
Reverse Pull-ups
Wide Push-ups
Close Grip Pull-ups
Heavy Pants*
Decline Push-ups
Diamond Push-ups
Dive Bomber

* Used hand weights with this exercise.

Once all that was done we took a 60 second break for water and some stretching. You stay moving the whole time. After that minute you do the whole set again but they say to push yourself and do even just 1 more than you did the first time around. It was definitely rough! Over-all it took 1 hour, that includes the 3 minutes for warm-up and 3 minutes for cooling down.

We also took our day 1 pictures of ourselves. We will post those at a later date. We have to do our pics at Day's 1, 30, 60, and 90.

The way this program works is that for the first 30 days it's the fat shredder program. It's very high protein, low carb. So for us we have to have 7 servings of protein a day and 3 carbs. It's really hard to work out menu's so that we get what we need. Adam is working on quitting smoking and I am working on no pop. We realize the first little bit will be the hardest part for us so hopefully we can make it. As far as the exercise goes we have 6 days of hard stuff with 1 day off, although they say you should still do something light on that day. We are allowed one splurge meal a week although we are going to try not to have any. We do this for 3 weeks and then the 4th week we do all yoga/plyometrics stuff for that week. Then on Month2 it switches you for meals and exercises. The whole idea is that you don't let your body plateau during exercising. You switch it up so your body is always guessing.