Friday, February 20, 2009

Day 5

So we've made it to Day 5. Today was legs & back. Can I just say I hate the person who came up with this program?? I hurt so bad. I know it's a good hurt - more sore than anything. I'm very careful to stop if I feel any weird pain, especially in my knees.

So the work-out was as follows: ( again we do all this in an hour, not including the ab ripper )

Balance lunges
Calf-raise squats
Reverse grip chin ups
Super skaters
Wall squats*
Wide front pull ups
Step back lunges
Alternating side lunges
Close grip over hand pull ups
Single leg wall squats*
Dead lift squats
Switch grip pull ups - 2 of one and then switch, keep doing that
3 way lunges - side/90/front
sneaky lunges - done on tip toe

*You start at 90 degrees and keep moving lower and then back up.

After all that fun we did the Ab ripper again. We pushed ourselves even harder today. We still can't do all 339 reps but we did more today than Wednesday.

The diet is getting better. i added 1 extra serving of carbs per day to my diet. One thing Adam & I have noticed is that we have more energy now. I don't feel like I need a nap in the afternoons anymore. Physically and mentally we are more energized.

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